Bible Story Programs

Intended for adults, teens, and older children. Don can share one of his established programs of Bible stories or design a program to your specifications.

Abraham, Father of Many Nations

Don brings to life the story of this honored man of faith as depicted in Genesis 11-25. This is an ancient story of deception, war, substance abuse, and deviant sexual behavior – problems still prevalent in the world today. Yet it is primarily a story of faith and of God’s provision.

Advent: The Coming of the Lord

Don begins by referencing a few of the Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming of the Messiah. The story continues based on the first three chapters of the Gospel of Luke and concludes with the baptism of Jesus. Spanning Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, this story is populated with dynamic characters and is rife with fulfillment of prophecy and divine intervention.

“Don’s telling of the story of Jesus’ advent, birth and epiphany is captivating.”
Rev. Jeff Wild
Advent Lutheran Church, ELCA, Madison, Wisconsin

“Don is an amazing storyteller who weaves all of the various threads of our Advent story into a beautiful tapestry sharing history and context as needed but mostly focusing on a beautiful, spirit-filled and meaningful re-telling of this most central story of our faith. I highly recommend “Advent: The Coming of the Lord”.”
Rev. Tisha Brown
Community of Hope, UCC, Madison, Wisconsin

In the Beginning

This is a chronology of stories from the opening chapters of Genesis. It includes the foundational stories of the first eleven chapters of the Bible, from Creation to The Fall, from The Flood to The Tower of Babel.

Would you like a program of Bible stories centered on a particular topic or theme?
Don will gladly develop such a program for you.

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